Prep for Procedure/Day of Procedure
The following instructions are provided to help you understand and prepare for your upcoming surgery. This information may not answer all of your questions about your upcoming operation, so feel free to us at 727-787-4379.
Surgery Scheduling
• A representative from FLORIDA SURGICAL CLINIC will verify your records and make an appointment for your pre-surgical evaluation with the hospital or anesthesia.
• Your pre-surgical evaluation may either take place in person or by phone, depending on anesthesia’s recommendations. Any pre-operative testing will be ordered previously by your physician or during your anesthesia evaluation.
• If you have not been reached by phone and your surgery is scheduled to occur within the next 48 hours, please call (727)787-4379 between 8:00am and 5pm, Monday through Friday.
• Your medications will be discussed in detail during your pre-admission interview with anesthesia.
• Please make sure your anesthesia provider knows about any prescription medicines, non-prescription medicines, vitamins, herbs, or supplements you may be taking.
• Please bring all bottles of prescription and non-prescription items to your pre-admission interview and the day of surgery.
• Some medicine such as aspirin, aspirin containing compounds, Coumadin, Pradaxa or Plavix impair the body’s ability to form a clot and stop bleeding. Your physician and anesthesia team will instruct you on when to take these medications.
• You will be instructed on what medicines you should and should not take in the days leading up to your surgery and on the morning of the surgery itself.
• If you have diabetes and take insulin or another diabetes medicine, instructions will be provided on how to adjust your medicine on the day of surgery when you will not be eating.
• Certain surgeries require a bowel prep. If you have been given a bowel prep sheet, please follow the directions.
The Day Before Surgery
• Please contact your surgeon’s office to validate your arrival time.
• Please follow the shower guidelines that have been provided.
• Do not shave near your surgical site for 72 hours prior to your procedure. Shaving can irritate your skin, which may lead to infection.
• Do not eat any solid food or drink any liquids after midnight on the day prior to your procedure. This includes water, candy, chewing gum, and chewing tobacco.
• If you’ve been asked to take routine or other medicines on the morning of surgery, please take them with a very small sip of water.
• Wear loose and comfortable clothing and flat shoes.
• Leave jewelry and valuables at home. If you wear contact lenses, please bring your glasses with you. Please remove any body piercings.
• Please arrive at the hospital at the specified time.
• Because of urgent cases, there may be a delay in the start of your surgery or, your start time could be earlier than expected if last minute cancellations occur. If possible, bring something to read and arrive early.
• If you receive general anesthesia, you will be taken to the Recovery Room for several hours after your procedure.
• If you are going to be discharged from the hospital the same day as surgery, you will be allowed to go home when you are fully alert.
• A nurse will review your post-operative instructions and prepare you for discharge from the hospital.
• You will not be allowed to drive yourself home after surgery. Please make arrangements for someone to take you home.