Please see a Urologist for this condition. Dr Kazil does not treat Varicoceles.
Definition of a Varicocele
A varicocele is abnormal distension of the pampiniform venous plexus, the venous drainage from the testicle.
Anatomy of a Varicocele
A varicocele occurs in the scrotum. This network of veins is called the pampiniform plexus. This plexus of veins helps to drain deoxygenated blood from the testicles and direct it back towards the heart. There are valves in this plexus that helps to prevent blood from flowing in the wrong direction. Some patients have a genetic lack of valves in the pampiniform plexus. For others, dysfunctional valves or impaired venous return are the problem. As the result, the veins will swell as blood pools in the scrotum. This is called a varicocele.
Causes of Varicocele Development
There are numerous causes of a varicocele. As stated above some patients have a congenital lack of valves in the pampiniform plexus. Other patients have compression of the outflow of blood flow in pelvis as in nutcracker syndrome. Most varicoceles form on the left side as a consequence of anatomy.
Symptoms of a Varicocele
The most important symptom is a swelling of the scrotum that develops due to the pooling of blood in the plexus. Other symptoms include:
- An ache or pain in the scrotum
- A heavy feeling within the testicles
- A palpable cord-like structure representing the enlargement of veins
- Fertility problems
Diagnosis of a Varicocele
Most varicoceles are diagnosed using ultrasound. The ultrasound will help to demonstrate the engorged veins of the pampiniform plexus. Occasionally computed tomography is used as well although venography remains the gold standard.
Prevention of a Varicocele
This is usually a congenital problem. There is no way to avoid it.
Am I At Risk?
Risk factors for varicocele development would be poor outflow of the venous system such as those found in nutcracker syndrome or extensive deep vein thrombosis.
Treatment of a Varicocele
Varicoceles have traditionally been treated by a urologist. Dr Kazil does not treat this condition.