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Post Operative Care

Most patients after surgery or a procedure are very concerned about recovery. It is important to follow your physician’s recommendations to ensure an expedient return to normal activities. This advice is meant as a generality and your particular physician or case may require different care so always check with your physician first.

Laparoscopic Procedures

Many patients are discharged the same day if after an elective laparoscopic procedure. Patients should avoid driving until they are completely off of prescription pain medication and can move comfortably without pain. Most patients need 7-14 days to start driving again.  Patients can shower after 48 hours and can take a bath once the incisions are healed and steri-strips removed. This is usually 7-10 days. Patients should report any fevers over 100 F, redness or drainage from their incisions to their physician. Patients shouldn’t lift anything more than a gallon of milk for 2 weeks. After being seen by a physician patients should be able to return to normal activities.

Open abdominal procedures

Patients can require an extensive recovery after open procedures. Most patients are able to ambulate after one to two days. Patients should try to ambulate at least twice daily and continue to use their incentive spirometer ten times per hour even at home. Patients can usually shower after 48 hours but should avoid baths until their incisions are completely healed which is usually 7-10 days. Patients should report any fevers over 100 F, redness or drainage from their incisions to their physician. Patients should avoid lifting more than 5 pounds for at least 2 weeks. Patients should increase their activity slowly and stop if they experience pain. Most patients can get back to normal activities in 4-6 weeks.


Most patients are discharged the same day or next day after an angiogram. Patients can remove the dressing 24 hours and shower. They should avoid baths for the next several days until the incision site heals. Any redness, drainage or swelling should be reported to the physician. Most patients can get back to normal activities in 3-4 days. Patients should avoid metformin (Glucophage) for 48 hours after the procedure.

Venous ablation

Patients should leave the dressing in place for 48 hours after the procedure. They should avoid the sun to prevent scarring if sclerotherapy was performed until the area is completely healed. Patients are able to shower and take a bath after removing the dressing as long as the incisions are healed. Most patients are able to drive the day after the procedure and return to normal activities in 3-4 days. Call your physician for any increased leg swelling, redness or drainage.

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