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Category: Posts

Practice Posts/Patient Newsletter

Practice Posts/Patient Newsletter Welcome to Florida Surgical Clinic! We specialize in vascular and general surgery. We strive to combine modern, evidence-based medicine with patient-centered care.

We Care Manatee

We Care Manatee From the desk of Dr. Jenna Kazil, Vascular and General Surgeon: While in high school I decided to become a physician. I

Post Operative Care

Post Operative Care Most patients after surgery or a procedure are very concerned about recovery. It is important to follow your physician’s recommendations to ensure

Carotid Artery Disease

Carotid Artery Disease What is carotid artery disease? Disease of the carotid arteries involves the build up of plaque (atherosclerosis) in the arteries that provide

IVC Filter

IVC Filter Many people are afraid of IVC filters due to their recent bad press. Like most medical interventions, there is a time and place

Limb Loss Awareness

Limb Loss Awareness April is limb loss awareness month.  More than 180,000 people will have an amputation this year. That means more than 500 people

Stroke Awareness

Stroke Awareness May is stroke awareness month. Each year almost 800,000 people have a stroke. Seventy five percent of strokes are first time strokes. This

Venous Disease

Venous Disease What are the symptoms of venous disease? Patients complain of heaviness at the end of the day. They may also have ulcerations, often

Being a Compliant Patient

Being a Compliant Patient When patients come to Florida Surgical Clinic they usually have a specific problem. In order to figure out how to fix


Appendicitis What are the signs and symptoms of appendicitis? Approximately 9 of every 10,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with appendicitis every year.